
Sonata-Allegro Form

Continuing on last week’s article, we dive into a deeper and more complex form, sonata-allegro. This form is used mainly in classical music; understanding the inner workings of this form will lead to a higher appreciation of many classical works. It’s my belief that many people are turned off by classical music simply because they…

7 Tips for Successful Practicing

Practicing is necessary when it comes to learning an instrument. Here are a few tips to help your practice sessions run smoothly and efficiently. 1. Warmup: Don’t underestimate the power of a good warmup! Whether it’s doing scales, etudes or some fundamental exercises, a warmup prepares your body, instrument and mind for the music you’re…

A Brief History of Classical Music: Part II

Continuing from last week’s blog, this installment continues to explain the history of classical music with a hope that students may retain a deeper understanding and appreciation of this genre. Remember, studying classical music enables minds to easily explore other genres of music, but with better analytical thought. The desired result is a musician who…

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