Most of you are already familiar with Memorial Day; it is a day to honor those who died while serving our country. It is a service that not many are willing to do and we should all be extremely thankful for those who serve. Memorial Day has also become the official beginning of the Summer…
Rock and Roll Part II
n this installation of the history of rock and roll, we explore the decades of the ’60s and ’70s. This is arguably rock’s pinnacle of achievement, ushering in the superstars we have all come to know and revere. While American rock and roll was still going strong with artists such as Elvis, something was brewing…
A History of Rock and Roll, Part I
This month we explore the roots and evolution of rock music, beginning with its inception in America. Rock music has a deep history, which is full of facts that you perhaps have never known before. We begin with the pre-history of rock and roll and how it came about. Rock and roll was a musical…
An Introduction to Form
Form is the structure in which a piece of music is organized. Form provides the building blocks in which a composer will construct a coherent piece of music. Knowing the form of a piece of music is essential for performing, but just as essential for the listener in the audience. A listener who cannot identify…
A Brief History of Classical Music: Part I
n my ten years of teaching it has always been (and for other teachers as well) a struggle to motivate certain students to study classical music. Classical music is certainly not the end-all to learning an instrument, but rather the most efficient gateway into proficiency in all musical genres. What one student can accomplish through…
Electric Guitars: What You Need To Know
In general and in the past few weeks, many parents and students are approaching me with various questions about all types of instruments. This article serves to be informative to any interested guitar beginners, and may even help to fill some gaps in education for intermediate and advanced guitar players as well. Although many amateurs…
Enhancing Your Summer Through Music
With summer practically here, all students will be enjoying their break from school, if not from music lessons as well. With so much free time, summer is the perfect opportunity for students, parents and teachers to explore new and exciting aspects of music that they may have never experienced before. The next few months provide…
Professional Subway Musicians
Every time I find myself buried underneath the Manhattan grid, navigating my way through the tunnels between trains, it is without fail that before I am able to reach the surface of the city streets, some out of tune acoustic guitarist bombards my ears. For all the musicians I have heard panning away in the…
The Difference between a Recital and Concert
It is now the time of year where the weather has finally begun to warm up and the first signs of summer of are upon us. While some families might be spending their weekends at the beach or the lake, many will be sitting inside nicely air conditioned performing arts halls listening to the beautiful…
10 Steps to Prepare For a Recital
Recitals can be the highlight of the season for many music students. It is your one shining moment to show all of your friends and family your mad skills as you rip through the ivories, shred the guitar, belt out some vibrato and move your bow effortlessly across the strings! But before you step out…