Benefits to Singing in a Choir

There are many mental and physical benefits to singing in a choir. Whether it's a community choir, professional choir or your school choir, singing in an ensemble helps with many aspects of your life. Here are a few ways you can benefit from choral singing.

1. Singing cures stress: Studies show that singing in a ensemble releases hormones such as oxytocin (which make you happy) and raises the level of oxygen in your bloodstream.

2. While you sing in an ensemble your heart rate synchronizes with every other members of the group!

3. Singing reduces anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins and neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

4. Breath control: The more you sing, the more you'll find (if you're doing it correctly) that your ability to hold your breath longer will increase. This means you can run longer, swim farther and hold notes out longer than before.

5. Social skills: Singing in a chorus promotes social development simply by putting yourself inside a group. You have to learn how to participate with others in a usually stress-free environment.

6. Reduces performance anxiety: For those that are terrified of singing on stage, singing with an ensemble can help to reduce the nervous feelings we experience.

7. Ear training: Singing helps develop your ear. You will be able to recognize if something is out of tune faster, and will develop better tone quality as you keep singing within the group.

8. Languages: Choruses often sing in different languages, helping you to learn proper pronunciation and translation!

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