December Composer Birthdays

This month we celebrate the birthdays of the late great composer, Ludwig van Beethoven (12.17.1770). Beethoven is often ranked as one of the most influential and greatest composers ever to have lived. Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. His father, Johann was a local musician, who forced Ludwig to practice at odd hours of the…

History of Rock and Roll Part III

In this continuation, we will discuss the rock music of the ’80s and ’90s. At this point in time there were many new amazing bands and new genres, but rock had somewhat reached a pinnacle. With an increasingly bloated sound in the 80s, the 90s ushered in a new renaissance for rock music. While the…

Rock and Roll Part II

n this installation of the history of rock and roll, we explore the decades of the ’60s and ’70s. This is arguably rock’s pinnacle of achievement, ushering in the superstars we have all come to know and revere. While American rock and roll was still going strong with artists such as Elvis, something was brewing…

November Composer Birthdays

This month we celebrate two highly influential composers of the first half of the 20th century: Aaron Copland (b. 11.14.1900) and Benjamin Britten (b. 11.22.1913). Both paved the way for creating sonorities that were later considered characteristic of their cultures (American and British, respectively). In addition, both of these composers wrote music that was accessible…

World Music: Africa

In most music lessons, we tend to concentrate on music of the Western tradition, classical being the main one. I would like to take the time to introduce you to some instruments and music styles of other countries/continents that you may have never heard of before. In this article we will explore the instruments of…

Virtuosos of the Classical World

The month of October shares the birthdays of two of the most talented composers/performers to grace the world. Franz Liszt, born October 22, 1811 and Niccoló Paganini, born October 27, 1782 are known as virtuosos. A virtuoso is a musician whose talents are on a professional and seemingly other-worldly level. These gifted individuals break down…

Why Posture Matters

Whether you play an instrument that requires no breath (ie. piano, violin) or one that does (ie. woodwinds, brass, voice), proper posture is the fundamental key to performing properly and in a healthy manner. Without proper posture, execution of phrases can become difficult, not to mention various health problems that may arise. Here are a…

Components of an Orchestra

From talking to many students recently it is evident that there are some holes in the education of the modern-day orchestra. The symphonic orchestra has it’s roots in the Baroque Era, was solidified in the Classical Era, grew even larger in the Romantic Era and essentially has stayed the same ever since. Here are a…

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