Happy New Year!

It’s the second day of the new year and it’s time to get to work on your resolutions.

What are your goals for 2018?
What is it that you want to bring into your life? What are you leaving behind in 2017?
(Tell us in the comments! We’d love to know.)

We’ve included a few tips on how to make your resolutions stick throughout the entire year below:

  1. Make it attainable, realistic and specific
    • It’s a new year, not a whole new you. Be realistic when you set your goals and keep it attainable. Otherwise, you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment.
    • Broad goals and resolutions are great, but they’re much harder to achieve. When you pinpoint exactly what it is you want to do this year, it’s much easier to get it done.
  2. Write them down
    • Seeing your goals and resolutions written not only helps to bring them into your life, but also helps as a reminder of your goals whenever you see them.
    • You are not limited to only one goal,. Try creating different categories on a piece of paper, or in a journal, and write your goals in their corresponding categories.
    • Making a list of the reasons why you want to achieve these goals will help you strive to make these resolutions last.
  3. Don’t let yourself get off track
    • One quick slip up is all you need to deter your resolutions from coming true this year. Make sure to remain responsible for yourself and stay on track to reach your goals.
    • Creating a plan of action for the year and how you will go about reaching your goals is a great place to start.
    • You may even want to reward yourself for every month that you work towards your goal. This will help you remain on track.
  4. Keep your resolutions on your mind
    • State your goals every morning to start your day on the right foot.
    • By keeping your mind on your goals, it’s much easier to remain excited about them. Excitement is a huge factor is the success of reaching your goals. After all, if you’re not excited about them, are you really going to want to work towards them?
  5. Stay focused
    • Your resolutions won’t resolve themselves. You’ll need to put in hard work and stay focused in order to reach your goals for this year.
    • In order to achieve your long term goals, you have to stay focused on them.
    • Our energy goes where our intention and attention is; keeping focused on our goals will help us achieve them that much quicker.

Below is a playlist we’ve created including all songs about New Year’s Day to keep you in the New Year’s mindset while crushing your resolutions!

It’s a new year, and a fresh start.
Let’s make this year one filled with success, happiness, and lots of music!

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