Why Is Music Education So Important?

man playing drums with man playing sax

Music education, unlike other academic fields of study, has always had to fight to stay afloat in many schools’ curriculums. Here are a few points to hopefully solidify, if not persuade you, as to why music is necessary in every child’s education.

    1. Studies show that students who study music receive higher SAT test scores than those who don’t!
    2. Students who attend band or orchestra rehearsals are twice as likely to go to college than their non-music peers.
    3. Practicing an instrument (particularly the piano) develops the corpus callosum at a faster rate. This part of the brain is responsible for communicating between the right and left hemispheres. This results in faster reflexes and faster thinking.
    4. Multiple studies have shown that when a student improvises on an instrument, all parts of the brain are engaged and used. No other subject does this.
    5. The performing arts develops good decision making skills, self-confidence and discipline.
    6. A two-year Swiss study of 1,200 students in 50 different schools showed that those in music programs were superior in languages, learned to read easier, enjoyed school more and had less stress than non-music students. [Weber, E.W., Spychiger, M. & Patry, J.L. (1993)]
    7. Music demands 100% of you at all times. There is absolutely no room for error in a performance and it requires nothing less than perfection. If you don’t believe me, let this fantastic band teacher convince you otherwise:

These are just a few of the MANY reasons that music is imperative in the well rounded education of our students. Please keep these facts in mind the next time you have a budget vote in your school district.

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