Successful Sight Reading

With the approach of NYSSMA it is important to hone in on your sight reading abilities. Many times sight reading is the one aspect that will cost a person a perfect score, so follow these tips to improve!

1. Just do it: The only way you can get better at sight reading is to sight read! Don't wait for your lessons with your teachers to do this, pick up ANY music and start playing or singing it. If it's too difficult just do it slowly; the more you play any and every kind of music you can get your hands on, the better your sight reading will be.

2. Slow and steady: The most successful sight readers are the ones who take their time. I've never experienced a NYSSMA judge who took points off for going too slow, so do exactly that!

3. Practice quietly: You're usually not allowed to play the example out loud at NYSSMA before your official take at it. Play your instrument lightly without producing sound, and remember: do it slowly! If you're singing you may hum to yourself quietly.

4. Use all of your time: Unless you're 100% sure that you've got the excerpt nailed, practice it over and over quietly until the judge says it's time to stop. You have a few minutes to get better so you might as well use the time.

5. Go over accidentals: Watch out for key signatures, dynamics and accidentals that may occur. Mark them mentally and go over them carefully during your silent practice.

Good luck!

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