Learning to Play By Ear

Playing by ear is a useful skill for any musician of any age. It shouldn’t be used as a crutch but when paired with other aspects of music such as theory and instrument practice, the effects serve to augment every student’s music learning experience. Not only this, but it’s a great feeling to be able…

How Music Benefits Infants

While the studies on the “Mozart effect” have disproved that listening to Mozart makes your toddler smarter, there are still numerous benefits to exposing your infant or young child to music and music lessons. Here are a couple of ways that music helps to develop your child’s brain. 1. Spatial/temporal reasoning: Preschool students who took…

Spooky Musician Myths

With the Halloween season upon us, let’s take a look at some of the darker sides of the musicians we’ve come to appreciate. From hauntings, to murder, to devil worship, true or not, these stories are sure to be creepy! 1. Mozart’s Death/Requiem: It is known that Mozart’s Requiem in d minor was unfinished due…

Learning A New Instrument

Since the start of school, many students (especially 3rd and 4th graders) will be choosing a new instrument to learn. Many of my own students have been discussing what they could potentially learn and I’ve been explaining the difficulties of each instrument, or instrument family. This really applies to anyone who wants to learn a…

Artists of the 90s Part II

Last week we explored a few significant musicians of the 1990s. This week we continue with another list of noteworthy 90s artists! 1. Nirvana: It wouldn’t be a well-rounded 90s article without the mention of the grunge rock band, Nirvana. Grunge started in the late 80s in Seattle, Washington but truly matured and was brought…

Living in the 1990’s

While most of these blogs focus on all aspects of music, this one will focus on key lifestyle differences between the 90s and today’s decade. When learning a piece of music that is from a different time period (whether it’s 200 years ago, or just 25) it’s important to hone in on that time’s culture…

Highlights of Music of the ’90s

he 1990s were a golden age for all different genres of music. (Some may even consider it the last golden age of contemporary music!) We will explore the different styles that evolved during the decade, as well as some of the key musicians that made a significant impact. The end of the 1980s was rife…

Music of the Ancient World

Have you ever wondered what type of instruments our ancient ancestors played? Or perhaps wondered how their music sounded? Thanks to archeological findings we can piece together a somewhat blurry picture of ancient music. Here are a few ancient cultures and their musical instruments! Ancient Egypt: This is one of the oldest civilizations from which…

August Composer Birthdays

This August we celebrate the birthdays of two of the great jazz legends, saxophonist, Charlie Parker (August 29, 1920 – March 12, 1955) and pianist, Bill Evans (August 16, 1929, September 15, 1980). Both instrumentalists were virtuosos and pioneers of their respective styles, forever changing the jazz soundscape. Charlie Parker, commonly known as “Bird”, was…

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