Accompanists and Accompanying: What You Need to Know

Especially due to the upcoming NYSSMA season, it is important to know what role an accompanist plays and how it affects you. Here are a few tips of what to expect: A-comp-a-nist: I can’t think of too many other musical terms that are more mispronounced. The most common mispronunciation I’ve experienced is “a-comp-i-a-nist”. Remember, it’s…

8 Tips for NYSSMA Preparation

Here are a few tips that helped me to get good scores on my NYSSMA pieces when I was in high school: 1. Be Prepared: It sounds simple but those who practice more way in advance will usually have the better scores. You should start looking at your NYSSMA solo AT LEAST 6 months in…

Successful Sight Reading

With the approach of NYSSMA it is important to hone in on your sight reading abilities. Many times sight reading is the one aspect that will cost a person a perfect score, so follow these tips to improve! 1. Just do it: The only way you can get better at sight reading is to sight…

5 Places to Find Good Live Music

This is a rather open-ended blog inspired by a great video I saw this morning. People often complain that one has to dig deep to find good music today. Some also argue that venues do not care about the quality of the artist, they just care about selling tickets. While these statements have validity, I…

Intro to Solfege

Solfeging is an important aspect of music that helps any singer or instrumental player become a better musician. Solfege allows us to identify pitch. Solfege also helps you to theoretically relate back to the key you’re singing in. Here are a few basic tips to help you solfege. 1. Identify the key of the piece:…

Forming Major and Minor Triads

Major and minor triads are the beginning basis for all harmony in Western music. Knowing how to form them will give you a better understanding of the music and will help you to compose your own pieces. Triads are formed based on the key of the piece. Therefore, knowing the circle of fifths and fourths…


Having good breath support is paramount to every musician’s performing ability. Whether it’s to produce a good tone, hold out a note for a long time or to understand a phrase properly, every musician must breathe properly. This includes musicians whose instruments do not require breath to play. Here are some techniques and exercises you…

Choosing An Instrument

Choosing a new instrument to learn can be a daunting task if you’ve never experienced them before. If you put enough time into any instrument you’re bound to have fun, but each instrument comes with it’s own set of difficulties. Here’s a list of each instruments drawbacks to let you know what you’re up against…

Keeping your Voice/Body Healthy

With the winter season fully underway, many people will find themselves getting sick. Nobody likes to get sick, but especially as a musician, getting sick can result in missed practice time, or even worse, a missed concert! Here are some tips to stay healthy and/or recover if you’re already feeling under the weather. 1. Drink…

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