Phrasing: What You Need To Know

In the music realm, phrasing is an integral part of making any piece of music shine. Without phrasing, the notes on the page remain soul-less and devoid of any real life. This article aims to explain phrasing and how to execute performing a phrase properly.

A phrase is essentially a musical sentence. It is a well thought out and well rounded idea with a clear beginning and end. Phrases can be any length of time, but they are usually four or eight measures long. Any pop, hip-hop or most rock songs you hear on the radio will adhere to this 4 or 8 bar phrase guideline, so keep an ear out next time you listen.

To play a phrase properly you will need to execute a few things simultaneously. A phrase itself relies on the performer playing the proper rhythms, notes, fingerings, articulations and dynamics. Until you have mastered all these aspects of your piece, you will not have a truly well rounded phrase.

A good way to start shaping a phrase is to play it without any harmonic accompaniment. In other words, play just the melody line. If your instrument cannot play chords, then you are already on your way. Listen to how the notes sound one after another. Notice any articulation or dynamic marks. Sometimes, putting a question to the phrase helps, while putting an answer for the following phrase helps to complete it. (When phrases are presented in a “question and answer” format we call these phrases antecedent and consequent phrases.) Play around with different types of questions and answers between each phrase to have variety and to play around with what may sound better or worse. In addition, SING the phrase if you’re not already a vocalist. You’ll get better at singing AND the phrase will start to shape itself typically faster than just playing it on your own instrument.

Here is a piano master class on articulation and phrasing given by pianist Graham Fitch. It is informative and gives you great insight to how a professional executes phrases. In addition, don’t hesitate to check out other FREE music master classes online by other extremely accomplished and renowned artists!


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