Singing: Nature Versus Nurture

In this article we explore the question of whether or not being able to sing is a skill that can be learned or if it is a natural gift given to a select few. The process of learning to sing is much like learning a language; both from scientific and from anecdotal evidence you will…

Center Stage Parents Reveal Their Secrets: On Practicing

Students who practice at home generally excel faster and better than students who do not. However, at home practicing is sometimes hard to accomplish due to time management or just a lack of knowledge on how to properly practice. We asked some Center Stage parents to reveal their secrets on successful at home practicing. Here…

Perfect Pitch

Absolute pitch, more commonly known as perfect pitch, is a phenomenon that occurs to just a few people. Perfect pitch gives a person the ability to identify any given note immediately without having to “figure it out”. Much like in the way we can identify colors immediately, perfect pitch functions similarly to those who have…

Phrasing: What You Need To Know

In the music realm, phrasing is an integral part of making any piece of music shine. Without phrasing, the notes on the page remain soul-less and devoid of any real life. This article aims to explain phrasing and how to execute performing a phrase properly. A phrase is essentially a musical sentence. It is a…

Drum Maintenance

Taking care of your drums is important not only for increased lifespan, but for tonal quality as well. Here are a couple tips to keep your drums in top performing condition. 1. Storing: Drums that are made of wood are affected by the weather drastically. An increase in humidity will cause wood to swell, while…

Effect of Parents on Students’ Practicing

Practicing is naturally an integral part of any music students’ daily regimen. Especially at a younger age, a parents’ influence has a profound effect on the development and progression of a students’ musical abilities. Here are a few tips for parents to help their children practice more frequently and more efficiently. 1. Make sure they…

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