Why Is Music Education So Important? Music Education

Why Is Music Education So Important?

Music education, unlike other academic fields of study, has always had to fight to stay afloat in many schools’ curriculums. Here are a few points to hopefully solidify, if not persuade you, as to why music is necessary in every child’s education. Studies show that students who study music receive higher SAT test scores than…

Famous Composers Born in September Composers born in September

Famous Composers Born in September

September marks the birthday of three significant composers in musical history. Below I’ll highlight some of their major accomplishments. This summary will only scratch the surface of these brilliant minds, so, if you like what you read and/or hear, do some research of your own and dive deeper into the lives of these significant composers!…

The Best Way to Enjoy The Last Bits of Summer! woman in a red jacket making a burger for memorial day bbq

The Best Way to Enjoy The Last Bits of Summer!

Labor Day is just around the corner, which means so is the cooler autumn weather. However, let’s try to squeeze the most out of the end of summer! Being that almost all Americans and Canadians have Labor Day off, that makes it the perfect opportunity to have one last BBQ of the season! Get your…

An Interesting Take on How Music Can Help You Heal Sound Healing

An Interesting Take on How Music Can Help You Heal

Every day we are bombarded with different sounds. These sounds that we are constantly hearing have an effect on us. Not only can an abundance of noise disrupt our thought patterns, but the vibrations put out from the sounds we are hearing can also effect our bodies. A new theory that some in modern science…

Six Ways To Maintain Your Musical Skills – Even In The Summer! Man and woman practicing over the summer at a beach

Six Ways To Maintain Your Musical Skills – Even In The Summer!

Practicing during the summer can be a daunting task because everyone loves having fun in the sun! While the most dedicated students won’t back down from practicing a lot no matter the weather, here are a couple ideas of how to keep yourself motivated and ready for fall lessons/school when you return! Don’t stop practicing:…

Chasing the Sun Chasing the Sun Playlist

Chasing the Sun

Every issue of our Center Stage Mag features a playlist curated by editor, Angela O’Reilly. Our most recent issue’s playlist, “Chasing the Sun,” has all the dreamy feels of those warm summer days. Pour some lemonade, chill out, and take a listen. Enjoy 🙂 You can listen to the playlist on our Spotify. We’ve also…

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