Quarantine Reflection: 10 Things to be Thankful For!

Quarantine Reflection: 10 Things to be Thankful For!

  A Reflection From Quarantine: During this time of year, with Thanksgiving around the corner, we like to incorporate a list of things we’re thankful for into our blogs. This year, more than ever, we want to spread positive energy and gratitude. It has been an unprecedented and trying year, with new hurdles to figure…

Screen Time Out! 5 Creative Ways to Cope With Virtual School 5 creative ways to cope with virtual school

Screen Time Out! 5 Creative Ways to Cope With Virtual School

Since the pandemic began this past Spring, virtual school has become the new norm for students across the world. The switch over to virtual learning has been a silver lining amongst all the chaos, allowing students to not skip a beat in their education, all while remaining safe at home. While there are countless benefits…

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